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The Spanish Omelette

Quenta por favor

More to report on my new roommate. I think it’s a girl, but I’m not quite sure. Very late last night I heard the door open and someone entered the room. I heard some rustling around and then heard someone climb up on the top bunk. Whomever it is he/she left the door open. I was waiting for them to shut it and all I heard was silence followed by a “tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock”. They must of brought a clock in with them. I turn over to look into the room to ensure that my bags are fine. They are. I don’t see any other bags in the room. I then hear snoring. I just reach over and shut the door…..a little loudly. Well, just enough to wake up whoever was sleeping above me so they can get the hint. In the morning I heard my roommate climb off the bunk and leave right away. He/she left the door open again when they left. I reached over, shut the door, and go back to sleep. When I awoke I stood up and looked on the top bunk. It didn’t look like anyone slept in the bed. It might be a ghost although I don’t hear the ticking noise anymore.

I got up and went in search for some breakfast. I heard that while I was in Spain I needed to try something called a, “Spanish Omelette”. It was kind of late in the morning so I was hoping to find a place still serving breakfast. I slept for about 11 hours last night and not counting the 4-hour siesta nap I took yesterday. I found a café and ask if they were serving Spanish Omelettes, but they weren’t serving breakfast. I did notice people drinking beer in the place; a little early at 11am. I asked for a place that might be serving and he pointed me in the right direction.

I found myself in front of a place called, “El Rincon”. I asked if they were serving Spanish Omelettes and the lady behind the counter who owned the café said, “We serve the best Spanish Omelette in Madrid.” I said, “Perfect!” and she continues, “No, seriously, people seek out this place”. She was very nice and very confident. She brings me a coffee and then a slice of apple pie. I looked at the odd apple pie and thought, “Okay, pie for breakfast….sure! It must come with my omelette.” I look closer and noticed that it’s not an apple pie at all. It was egg and potatoes. The egg formed the apple pie-like crust and it was filled with potatoes. I swear, it looked like a piece of apple pie. I then recalled people eating apple pie two days earlier near Plaza Mayor and just stuffed it in the back of my mind. It must have been the omelette I‘d been looking for while in Spain. I took a bite. Delicious! Very very delicious! So much so, I ordered another piece. I didn’t want to offend her by ordering another because I didn’t know the etiquette. I would either offend because it didn’t fill me up or flatter because I wanted another. I think she was flattered. She said, “Once you try others in the area, you’ll know why this one is the best.”

While I’m sitting in the café I’m looking around at the photos on the wall. They were of half naked women. I noticed that one of the girls looked familiar. Yep, it was the owner of the café. Ha! Also in the café were two young girls. The oldest was about 8-years old and the other looked a little younger. They were helping their mother in the restaurant. They were talking back and fourth as to which one got to take the next order. They helped clear dishes and serve people too. They were climbing up on the counter and just being kids. The other adults in the café didn’t seem to mind them getting in the way. It was great to see that! The younger girl came over to clear my plate and I said, “Oh, Quenta por favor”.
Girl: Quenta?
Matt: Si
The girl walks over to one of the adults behind the counter and probably said in Spanish, “That man needs his check now”. To which (I’m guessing) the lady said, “Well, you’ll have to give it to him then”. The girl walks over to me and says in English, “What did you have?”
Matt: Dos, Español….(points to Spanish Omelette)
Girl: Pie?
Matt: Si. And una café con…..(thinks)
Girl: Café con leche?
Matt: Si
The girl smiles and goes up to the counter and the lady helps her write the total on a slip of paper. The girl comes back over and hands it to me. “Gracias” I say. “Gracias” she replies.
I walk out after thanking the owner.

I was now off to a park called, “Parque del Buen Retiro”. Keep in mind that I woke up very drowsy today from sleeping too much. It could have also been the Benadryl I took before I went to bed last night. I wasn’t up for doing a whole lot. I got on the metro and arrived at the park. I strolled around in the shade. The weather in Madrid has been gorgeous! People have been out and enjoying it. There are many people taking their siesta in the park by sleeping, reading, paddling in the lake, and just walking around. A very nice day! I admired the lake for a while and then headed over to a place called the, “Crystal Palace”. I heard that this was a cool place to see. When I got there it looked like a giant green house. I walked inside and looked around. Nice! I continued on around the park.
The Park

The Park

The Lake

The Lake

The Lake

The Lake

Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace

I eventually made my way to Plaza Mayor and find a spot for some lunch. I had a chorizo sandwich which was basically bread and chorizo….that’s it! It tasted good though! I walked around a bit more and hopped on the metro to go back to the hostel. I still wasn’t felling too well.

At the hostel I was able to Skype Ma and wish her a happy birthday. She filled me in on everything at home and so fourth. After our chat I just laid low and talked with some of the people who were staying at the hostel. Around dinner time I walked down the block and found a little tapas bar. I got my last Patatas Bravas while in Spain. I’m going to miss that! After, still not feeling up to par I ventured back to the hostel where I packed up for tomorrow. I wish my last night in Spain was more exciting, but I just haven’t been feeling up for a whole lot. I’m pretty tried!
Symbol of Madrid: Bear and the Madroño Tree

Symbol of Madrid: Bear and the Madroño Tree

Posted by MatthewMilde 16:48

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