A Travellerspoint blog

Sleep Schedule is Off

.....and I am tired!

Since I had a hard time sleeping last night I tried to get a couple of hours of sleep in the morning. I thought a good 4 hours would do so at 7am I expected to sleep until 11am. Not so, I slept until 2:30pm. I'm worried that my sleep is off again. Anyway, I had a nice talk with Sabine (a family friend) and it looks like I'll go see her in Innsbruck, Austria next week. This means I have about 6-7 days to do whatever. Sabine and I talked around 3:30pm and by 5:15pm I was out the door for Copenhagen. I felt like such a mess because I had to decide fast what to ditch and what to take. One item I really wanted to take, but I couldn't justify the weight was my journal. It was just too heavy. So, my blog will have to suffice. I also ditched several other heavy & bulky items. My pack is so much lighter now! I'll be fine!

After an hour or waiting at the Strasbourg Train Station for my train, I began walking to the platform a good 10 minutes early. Well, they changed the platform number on me and I had to rush to catch it. Well, once I realized where my train was (on another platform) I began to hear the conductor whistle. I knew I hadn't a moment to spare. I ran to the train. Once on-board, 5 seconds later, the doors were shut and the train was headed for Offenburg. I grabbed a connecting train in Karlsruhe, wear I bought my Night Train reservation. I could spend 20 Euros on a sleeper which I would share with 6 people or 4 Euros for just a seat. I decided to wing it and take the cheaper seat. It turned out great. I shared a compartment with only one other person. He was an 80-year old man named Olich (pronounced Ou-Lick) from Zurich. He spoke very little English, but the English he did speak was quite good. A very bright and funny man. After getting acquainted we turned off the lights in the cabin and just enjoyed the view outside without the glare. During the night I stretched out over 3 empty seats. Once in Hamburg he left with a nice good-bye grabbing his hat and scarf on his way out.

The train ride has been enjoyable, but it was hard to get any good sleep. Every so often the train will stop and the engine will shut down. You'll wait 15-20 minutes and you'll get picked up by another train and sometimes you'll start heading in the direction you just came from. You just got to trust the system, but not the platform number. I'm still on the train, just stopped in Odense Denmark. There is light snow on the ground and I'll be in Copenhagen in about an hour and a half. I'm really tired and feel it's going to be cold.

Posted by MatthewMilde 16:44

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