A Travellerspoint blog


It's Guadi not gaudy

Would you believe that I had a great night of sleep on the train? Well, I sure did! I arrived in Portbou and switched trains for Barcelona. Once I arrived in Barcelona I headed to the Tourist Office and got a map and a few tips on what to see. I then headed to the Metro to get to my hostel. When I surfaced from the Metro, this was right in front of me:
Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

It’s Casa Batlló one of Antoni Gaudi’s architectural works. It’s made to look like a dragon some people say. This is more apparent on the top of the building. We’ll discuss more later. First, I need to find my hostel. Once I found the street my hostel was on it was a piece of cake to locate. Would you believe that it’s just around the corner from Casa Batlló on the same block? Casa Batlló is seconds away from the hostel. Sweet!

I arrived to the hostel about 2pm. Yes! Just in time for siesta. I took the afternoon to gather my plan for Barcelona and rest up from traveling. I even met two nice girls from the US who where from Seattle and Maine. In the late afternoon I headed out the door.

My first stop was Casa Batlló to see what the line was like. When I first arrived it was super long! I walk up and there is not a sole in long. I buy a ticket. Guadi is masterful! I didn’t know much about the guy until I got here, but know I’m a fan! He incorporates nature into his designs as well as making them functional, cost effective, and sustainable. Way ahead of his time! He’s up there with Da Vinci. I’m serious! Apparently in his work everything has a reason and a purpose. Everything! So detailed! I walked around the building and even got up on the roof. Mt favorite thing about the building is how it uses natural light very efficiently. It’s brilliant! Here are some photos!
Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

After, I headed down the street and found a nice street that looking kind of cool. It had a lot of outdoor cafés and people out for a stroll. I decided to head down it. I walk, and walk, and walk, and keep walking. These nice little outdoor cafes and tapa bars have yet to end. My goal is to keep walking until it does. Well, way down this street it dead-ends at the ocean. I thought, “Ocean? I thought I was walking in another direction!” I look on the map and as it turns out I was walking on “La Rambla” which is probably the most popular street in Barcelona which I was going to explore tomorrow, well, I did it tonight instead!

I kept walking down toward the ocean and down a long bridge. I just following the crowd. It ended on a large pier where there was this cool looking building with neon lights. Well, I decided to walk in and it turns out to be a mall. Ha! It was packed with people, but I didn’t stay long. I walked back over the bridge and along the waterline.


From the bridge I heard drum music and I decided to follow my ear. When I get there it is a concert of some sort with people dancing in hula-type shirts. It was cool! I stick around for a while and listen. When I had my fill I head back up La Rambla. By now it’s starting to get dark and there are more people out walking. Also, the peddlers selling their crap are also out in addition to the people dressed in all gold and the like.
Drum Concert

Drum Concert

I find a nice little restaurant and look at the menu. I order a half a bottle of wine and for food I just point to something on the menu. Well, here is were I learned a little lesson; Just because something is written in Spanish…..it doesn’t mean it’s Spanish food. What comes out is a sandwich-type thing. It was two pieces of bread and in-between them was a piece of ham, cheese, and a fried egg. Yep, I think I just ordered a breakfast sandwich. Well, it tasted good and it even went well with my wine. Ha!

I walked the streets some more and then want back to the hostel and crashed.
A Barcelona Cafe

A Barcelona Cafe

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

Posted by MatthewMilde 16:27

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