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A Couple Days of Rest

a vacation from my vacation

I wish there was more to report from the last couple of days. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off to take a vacation from my vacation. I didn't realize how much sleep I needed to catch up on. Other then that I pretty much ran some errands around Strasbourg. The other thing I did was re-organize my bag. I'm leaving a ton of goodies at Deb's house (gifts & winter clothes). I'll be back here at the end of my trip to pick-up my stuff.

I did get a good chance to walk around Strasbourg again for while. It's interesting how the dynamic of Strasbourg has changed since I've been here. Now that it's Spring all the restaurants have pulled out their outdoor furniture into the street and there are more people out and about. Sadly, there is also a hell of a lot more tourists. It's still nice here and not too overly populated, but there is a charm that gets a little lost with the crowds. Luckily Strasbourg is not a major tourist destination so it will get it's charm back come Fall and Winter.

Oh, so I have been on a quest for several weeks to find a new shirt. My sweatshirt is a light blue color and so is my long-sleeved collared shirt. I'm so sick of light blue!!!!! I need something else. I don't know how Charlie Brown does it wearing that same yellow color all the time. He's nuts! Anyway, I went into a French Mall, but didn't have much luck. I did see a French version of the store called, "Spencer's Gifts". It was a little odd. I finally found a nice black polo at a place across from Deb's house. I can't tell you how great if feels to wear a nice clean and new shirt! It's pretty close to awesome!

Anyway, that is about that for the past two days. Just got some much needed rest. I talked with Calvin and Dash on the phone. Calvin had a "great idea" for me. He said that I should buy his Birthday present in Europe. Oh, that I could find an RC Raser on any toy aisle. Dash was a little too sleepy to put too many words together. I also called, Jimmy and I think he misses me the most. Deb and I went out to dinner one night. It's been nice and slow. I've liked it, but I'm ready to get back out and traveling again. I'll use Deb's home as a home-base for another two days.

I got some fun stuff planned!









Posted by MatthewMilde 16:13

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