A Travellerspoint blog

Travel Day

Heading back to Strasbourg

Today was a travel day so there is not much to share.
I got up early to eat and pack. Thankfully, I was able to chat with Sunha and Kelvin some more before they left for the day. I made my way to breakfast and sat with Sam. We chatted about his career options in Nice and he talked about how he'd like to make it over to the US. I'm really going to miss chatting with Sam. He's guy who has a terrific personality and is really down to earth. Like I've said before, I don't get along with too many guys, but here and there I meet a few who I really chat it up with well. It was sad in a way to leave the hostel. Not because the hostel was any good, but the people I met there were really fun and personable. Honestly, if it wasn't due to rain over this next week I would probably stay. Nice is fantastic when the weather is sunny and clear. You know, I would like to still make it to Spain so it would make a good stopping point on the way back. You never know!
After breakfast I got all my things packed and grabbed the shuttle down to the tram. I stopped at the Casino Supermarket for some food to take with me on the train. I hopped on the tram and headed down to the train station. I had to reserve a seat for my train and after speaking with the lady I found out that my train was full. She was able to work her magic and route out another plan that would put me in Strasbourg around 11pm. Not ideal, but at the end of the day I get to Strasbourg. So, I had to wait a little extra time before my train to Lyon left. I popped on the train and settled into my First Class seat! Awww, home at last! Sadly, the French don't do the snack and drink service. Bummer! I sat next to a very attractive French girl who was heading to Geneva. I just wanted to say, "Take me with you!" Anyway, we barely talked at all with the exception for the five times that I had to get up so she could use the restroom. She must of had the bladder of a walnut. Ha! I got to Lyon around 3:30pm where I had an hour and 30-min wait until my next train. I popped into a cafe that had wifi to see if Deb had go my e-mail saying that I was going to be her house guest for the night. She got it and things were cool! Deb and I have a fun friendship. We can talk about any subject except for television. She's a kick!
I got on the 5pm train to Strasbourg without any trouble. The train from Nice to Lyon was full, but the Lyon to Strasbourg train was empty. What is funny about the trains in France is that when they stop at a city, many people get out and have a cigarette. For whatever reason I have noticed this more in France. It makes me laugh. At one stop along the way one man got out and came back with a pizza. I was like, "You jerk! I wish I thought of that!" I'd be too freaked out that the train would leave without me....and with all of my stuff inside.
Well, I made it to Strasbourg and walked to Deb's place. She was excited that her apartment was all organized and clean for me. She said, "You been traveling all over!" and I simply stated, "It's good to be home". She was nice enough to share some of her homemade chili as I filled her in on my travels. After, I made a few phone calls. Abby wants me to see the Eiffel Tower and Lily said that her caterpillar weighs 30-pounds. Oh, and Ma said that I need to wrap my credit cards in tin foil to protect me from identity theft. I had more calls to make, but they'd have to wait. I was exhausted!
Back on the Train

Back on the Train

Posted by MatthewMilde 16:55

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