A Travellerspoint blog

Getting Lost in Stasbourg

A wonderful thing!

Yesterday I spent walking around Strasbourg and boy did I WALK! It was very relaxing and quite enjoyable. The morning had a very special quality to it. It was fascinating to see people getting ready for the day. The shop keepers were hanging new items in their window displays, putting out produce, making deliveries and going about their daily business and locals carried handfuls of freshly baked bread, walked to work, and the sounds of school children laughing and going about their day filled the narrow allies. At one turn an older man threw out a piece of bread for a couple of birds and all of a sudden, directly in front of me, birds all at once began flying in for their share, Truly magical!

Today the Sherlock Holmes movie set had much more activity. This time they were doing interviews, but I don't know with whom. I look forward to seeing the next movie to spot the places I've seen,

I decided to climb the church tower since I knew it would offer a grand view. It did!!!! Was wasn't as grand was the 300+ steps up to the top. I was climbing the tower right at noon so I got to hear all twelve of the gongs......right in my ear. I was on top of the church just enjoying the view for about 20-30 minutes then I made the long journey down. Very enjoyable!

The main part of Strasbourg is on an island so I took advantage of getting lost in the alleys. Strasbourg is very safe. I even see women walk alone at night through the dark alleys as well. So, I did as the locals do and walked in the middle of the cobbled-stone streets without worry of being hit by a car. Some streets only allow taxis and police cars down them. Regardless, there is very little traffic. You'll find people walking at all hours of the day. Getting lost in Strasbourg is also fun because since the church stands so tall you can always use it as a monument for getting your bearings. I went off the island a couple of times because I saw a couple of interesting buildings and churches. One grand building was the Strasbourg Theater. Just outside of the theater was a man who picked up a ring in front of me and asked me (in french) if it was mine. Well, this is a scam. When you say "No" they will inspect it and say, "This is real gold....I'll sell it to you for a cheap price." I just walked on and didn't say a word.

2011 January

2011 January

2011 January

2011 January

2011 January

2011 January

Around lunch time I told myself to be bold. I had to find a place away from the tourist center, that had a hand-written menu (generally the catch of the day), and had no indication of English. Well, I found a great one that looked like a little old pub. I walked in and the place was empty except for the shop owners. They didn't speak a work of English so communication was like charades. They did understand "beer". I couldn't read a word on the menu so I just pointed and they brought it out. I had "White Beer" which was wonderful. The plate was fun: Thinly cut pieces of ham, small pickles, tomatoes, and a hard-boiled egg covered in mustard. Also on the plate looked what appeared to be a big slice of cheese. Since the meal came with a basket of bread I was excited to make a little sandwich. I piled on one of everything onto a small piece of bread: pickle, ham, egg, tomatoes (yes, even the tomato), and a big slice of cheese. Well, that was butter! Next time I knew better. It was most excellent.....even the tomato part (bitter, but not horrible). I don't like tomatoes. It was so enjoyable that I had another beer. I paid, and out the door I walked. After all the walking, the late lunch, and the two beers.....I decided to got back an have a nap.

In the evening I met a friend of Deb's for dinner......another good-looking women, but this time from Scotland. We had a nice evening at the Dubliners Irish Pub which is more of a French-Irish Pub. At one point I turned to Deb and said, "Okay, let me get this straight. We are in France, in city with German influences and we are eating at a French-Irish Pub with a Scottish women and all of our conservation so far has been is English, right?" It was fun! The dessert we had was a chocolate goodness that I can't pronounce, it had Bailey's in it so it was good. After, we walked back to Deb's and I went straight to bed.

I woke up today at 2am and laid in bed thinking until 4:30am. I think I messed up my sleep schedule with that afternoon nap. Oh well, it was an enjoyable day.


Uncle Traveling Matt

Posted by MatthewMilde 21:23

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