A Travellerspoint blog

I’m off....


This past weekend flew! Yesterday was a long day though. There has been much to think about and do before I left, but I’m feeling good now. Yesterday was a bit more stressful trying to do the last of my packing and getting things together, but I grabbed some yogurt with a good friend and that made me feel SO much better!

Earlier today I said good-bye to my dad and later my sister and nieces are taking me to SFO. I’m starting to get a little excited, yet there is much more to do before I leave for the airport.

Thanks to those of you who end up reading this blog. I’ll try to make it more interesting later, but as for now I just wanted to send a quick good-bye. I’ll see everyone again in no-time! I’m off to war!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Uncle Traveling Matt

Posted by MatthewMilde 07:54

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We sent you off with no problems this morning and the girls cried off and on until we got home. We went to lunch and toasted you a safe and fun trip. Emailed you a pic of Abby's face when she was sad for you. We will miss you!! Have a fantastic time!

by Heather Durham

The telephone rang @ 5:30am.
"The Eagle has landed".
Strasbourg, France and all is well.

by Hunny

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