A Travellerspoint blog

First Day in Nurnberg

Grover finds the missing letter "Q"

I woke up in the morning a little late. I was very tired! I made my way to breakfast. I sat down and the zimmer owner (she lives there) put a big plate of bologna in front of me. "It's good to be back!" I thought. I sat and took my time as I ate my breakfast. After, I headed out the door to walk around Nurnberg before meeting Jeff in the afternoon. Nurnberg is a cool little city which many shops and old buildings to see. Later this week I'll explore more of Nurnberg, but it was nice to walk around for a couple of hours and soak in the place.


I headed to the underground to figureout how to to get to the convention center where Jeff was. I was able to figure it out and make my way over. Jeff gave me a ticket to get into the expo. The expo was a high-tech expo where these vendors have put hundreds of thousands of dollers into their booths. It was crazy! The place was HUGE too! There was about 4 giant convention rooms full of these teckie booths. It was like CPRS x4. In the middle of some of the rooms you could find a few cafes. Very sweet! I walked around for a good hour and then found Jeff's booth. We took a walk to get something to drink. We were going to have lunch, but my stomach was acting up again so I decided it would be best if I went back to the hotel to take a nap. I did exactly that!
The Convention Center

The Convention Center

Later I got up and went back to the expo around the time that Jeff was shutting down for the day. Jeff was nice enough to get me a ticket for an after party. We show up and mind you....I've been under dressed the ENTIRE time. Everyone is in nice suits and I'm in kacki pants with pockets on the sides, a travel shirt, and my NorthFace jacket. I looked totally out of place. Jeff asured me that no one cared. When we walked it we were greeting with complimentry drinks. I had a sparkling water. Jeff found a Tucher beer which is very popular out here. I turn to Jeff and said, "The one day in Europe that I get complimentry German beer is the day my stomach is not feeling well." Sucks! However, the party also had complimentary food too. I took full advantage of that! Food was awesome! Jeff took full advantage of the beer. While Jeff was gone looking for a beer a German man comes up to me and he looks like an engineer and kind of like this character from Wayne's World and he sounds like Muppet. If you could understand what the Sweedish Chef was saying....then he sounded like that. He said, "Excuse me, where were you able to find a beer?" I said, "Oh, they were walking around with trays, but they seemed to have stopped. My brother went to the bar to see if he could get one. There might be a line." He said, "Okay, I must have a beer". Later I saw him walking with two beers and he seemed to almost me skipping as he walked. He looked really happy! It was like Grover had found the missing letter "Q" and was heading to Seseme Street to tell everyone about it. It was cute!
I decided to head back a little early and prep for tomorrow. Jeff stuck around to see if he could locate some people at the conference. I headed back and began my preperations for the following day. The next day would start early with a 3-hour train ride toward the Austrian border. My fairytale would start there!

Posted by MatthewMilde 03:48

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