A Travellerspoint blog

A week from today!

Almost time to leave.

A week from today I will be on an airplane heading for Frankfurt, Germany. I still have no idea where I am going to go, but I was thinking about heading up to Norway and Sweden first. Honestly, I might get as far as Cophenhagen and then turn around because I get cold easily.

It's funny, you'd think 3-months would be plenty of time to see Europe, but I'm finding myself strapped for time. I guess I have to assume that I'll be back and that I will die before I will ever be able to see and experience everything I want.

The array of emotions I've been going through this week has interesting: Joy, Fear, Hope, Worry, Excitement, etc. I'm not use to this. My dear friend Kate said it best, "Matt, you're not going off to war". Well said! I DO know that I'm going to miss everyone during this short time. But, don't worry about me, I'm a Mason.....we got a whole series of underground tunnels and junk that I can stay in for a night or two. I'll be fine! :)

Uncle Traveling Matt

Posted by MatthewMilde 08:44 Archived in USA

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Uncle Matt: What a great idea to chronicle your travels and allow us to join you in a vicarious tour of Europe. I can relate to the mix of emotions - I started off on a similar European tour (from Arizona) in February of 1974. 36 years later, I still treasure that trip. Enjoy - we look forward to your future posts. Randy Virden (SJSU)

by Randy Virden

Matt, have a safe trip there and make sure to drink some beer out of a boot.....not glass! HAVE AN AWESOME TIME!!

by chris b.

Go to Denmark!!!! It will be cold but worth it. It's one of my favorites!

by Amy Eilts

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