A Travellerspoint blog

A few random thoughts.....

More to come!

Every since I was a kid I’ve been enthralled by travel. I always thought it was kind of cool to be able to cross the globe, see the sights, meet the people, and come back to share your adventures. More so from the thought that, “maybe I had a distant ancestor who dreamed of traveling, but due to limited technology they couldn’t get too far…..or maybe didn’t get as far as they wanted?” Makes a guy like me feel sort of guilty since I have all this public transportation that is efficient and cheap, but yet I’m pretty content in my bubble watching movies at home and not going outside my door.

I remember as a kid watching “Bay Area Backroads” with Doug McConnell. I wanted to be that guy! He would travel to all of the local towns in the Bay Area of California and talk with people, see cool historical sites, eat at unique restaurants, and engage in a playful recreational activity. In 2009 I got the chance to meet the guy at a Travel Show and it was awesome! He sure has the gift of gab!

Lately, I have been planning this trip to Europe. I went before when I was just leaving eighth grade. It was part of a school tour bus deal where they focused on art sites. It was a fun experience, but not really what I had in mind.Maybe I was just too over confident and didn’t realize that I was as young as I was to go off by myself. In retrospect a tour bus was a good way to dip my feet into travel, especially at that age. I still have trouble remembering exactly what I did, but time again I’ll be reminded of something that brings back good memories.

Posted by MatthewMilde 18:56 Archived in USA

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